陈蔚涛,男,1988年生,博士,副研究员,入选水科英才“拔尖人才”培育计划。主要从事淡水鱼类DNA条形码、群体基因组学、保护遗传学等研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、广东省基础与应用基础研究基金区域联合基金、贵州省农业农村厅财政项目等7项,作为技术骨干参与国家重点研发计划蓝色粮仓子课题、乡村振兴战略专项资金省级等项目多项。在Molecular Ecology、BMC Evolutionary Biology、Gene、Scientific Reports、《生物多样性》等杂志以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文20余篇,主编专著1部。获奖2项,包括林浩然动物科学技术奖、广东省动物科学技术奖等。
(2)邮箱:ncuskchenweitao@163.com; chenweitao@prfri.ac.cn
(1)Chen W,Xiang D, Gao S, Zhu S, Wu Z, Li Y, Li J. (2024). Whole-genome resequencing confirms the genetic effects of dams on an endangered fishHemibagrus guttatus(Siluriformes: Bagridae): a case study in a tributary of the Pearl River.Gene, 148000.
(2)Chen W,Hubert N, Li Y, Xiang D, Cai X, Zhu S, ... Li J. (2022). Large‐scale DNA barcoding of the subfamily Culterinae (Cypriniformes: Xenocyprididae) in East Asia unveils a geographical scale effect, taxonomic warnings and cryptic diversity.Molecular Ecology,31(14), 3871–3887.
(3)Chen W,Li Y, Cai X, Xiang D, Gao S, Li C, ... Li J. (2022). Genetic Structure of an East Asian Minnow (Toxabramis houdemeri) in Southern China, with Implications for Conservation.Biology,11(11), 1641.
(4)Yang J, Li Y, Zhu S, Li X, Li J,Chen W. (2022). Mitochondrial diversity and population structure of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) in the Pearl River after anthropogenic release.Knowledge Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, (423), 14.(通讯作者)
(5)Chen W,Li C, Yang J, Zhu S, Li J, Li Y, Li X. (2021). Temporal species-level composition of larvae resources in the lower Pearl River drainage and implications for species’ reproductive cycles.Gene,776, 145351.
(6)Chen W,Zou M, Li Y, Zhu S, Li X, Li J. (2021). Sequencing an F1 hybrid of Silurus asotus and S. meridionalis enabled the assembly of high-quality parental genomes.Scientific Reports,11(1), 13797.
(7)Chen W, Zhu S, Yang J, Li X, Li Y, Li J. (2021). DNA barcoding reveals the temporal community composition of drifting fish eggs in the lower Hongshui River, China.Ecology and Evolution,11(16), 11507–11514.
(8)向登高,李跃飞,李新辉,陈蔚涛,马秀慧. (2021).多基因联合揭示海南鲌的遗传结构与遗传多样性.生物多样性,29(11), 1505–1512.(通讯作者)
(9)王斌,蔡波,陈蔚涛,温知新,张德志,何舜平,雷富民,江建平. (2021).中国脊椎动物2020年新增物种.生物多样性,29(8), 1021–1025.(并列一作)
(10)Chen W,Li C, Chen F, Li Y, Yang J, Li J, Li X. (2020). Phylogeographic analyses of a migratory freshwater fish (Megalobrama terminalis) reveal a shallow genetic structure and pronounced effects of sea-level changes.Gene,737, 144478.
(11)Chen W,Zhong Z, Dai W, Fan Q, He S. (2017). Phylogeographic structure, cryptic speciation and demographic history of the sharpbelly (Hemiculter leucisculus), a freshwater habitat generalist from southern China.BMC Evolutionary Biology,17, 1–13.
(12)Chen W,Ma X, Shen Y, Mao Y, He S. (2015). The fish diversity in the upper reaches of the Salween River, Nujiang River, revealed by DNA barcoding.Scientific Reports,5(1), 17437.
(13)珠江主要渔业资源种类分布,北京:科学出版社. 2021,主编.